Welcome to the SAM Advanced Management Journal

Greetings Author!

Thank you for your interest in submitting your manuscript for publication with the Society for Advancement of Management’s Advanced Management Journal (SAM-AMJ). Choosing the right publication venue for your work is important and we hope that this guide will help you in making the decision to submit with us. Our journal is published quarterly and is specially designed for general managers who are concerned with knowing how to communicate with specialists in the management discipline without being specialists themselves. A financial management article, for example, would be relevant if it explains a concept in a way that allows for the average manager to better understand a problem and interact with financial management specialists.

The SAM-AMJ considers research articles containing methodological developments that should be motivated by an interesting and relevant problem facing the management community. In addition to articles the journal also accepts case studies that contain novel aspects of management-related issues. Case studies should provide or utilize a new or interesting recent methodologic approach over a less interesting standard application of standard methodology. The journal will also take review articles, however, all submissions of these types of articles require prior editorial approval.

We have assembled a distinguished team of Editors and Editorial Review Board Members who ensure the timely peer-review of all manuscripts while maintaining the highest standard of quality and integrity through a double-blind review process. Our Editorial Review Board encompasses a full range of management experts both in the academic and practitioner realms who provide comprehensive feedback for your submission.

We invite you to review this document in its entirety and should you decide to submit your manuscript we require you to utilize our online submission process outlined inside our Submission Instructions section. On behalf of the Society for Advancement of Management and the Advanced Management Journal, we look forward to seeing your submission!


Latha Poonamallee
SAM Advanced Management Journal

About The Society for Advancement of Management

The Society for Advancement of Management, publisher of the SAM Advanced Management Journal, is an independent non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization established in 1912 by the followers of the father of scientific management, Frederick W. Taylor, and his associates. Various managers, academicians, and libraries in the U.S. and over 50 countries around the world subscribe to the Journal.

About The Advanced Management Journal

The SAM-AMJ is a quarterly, refereed publication especially designed for general managers who are concerned with knowing how to communicate with specialists without necessarily being specialists themselves. The nature of the SAM-AMJ is to attract submissions from management professionals and educators across the globe. Research papers, case studies, and review articles are accepted.

The typical Journal reader is familiar with basic business practices but is not necessarily an expert on any specific topic. The reader is interested in knowing what current terms mean, what new management concepts can do (including their limitations), how to apply them to a particular situation, and what questions should be asked of experts who implement them.

The journal is printed by the publishing team on behalf of the Society for Advancement of Management and accepts manuscripts on all aspects of management with focus areas of:

  • Accounting
  • Advertising
  • Communications
  • Compensation & Benefits
  • Economics
  • Education & Training
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Ethics
  • Finance
  • Health Care Administration
  • Human Resources
  • Information Systems
  • International Relations
  • Law
  • Leadership
  • Marketing
  • Non Profit
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Organizational Theory
  • Planning
  • Policy & Strategy
  • Production & Operations
  • Project Management
  • Public Sector
  • Research & Development
  • Risk Management
  • Social Issues
  • Social Media
  • Supply Chain & Logistics


Priority is given to manuscripts that provide new concepts, innovative ideas, and well-written articles that are easy for practicing managers to understand.

Publication Policies

The SAM-AMJ editorial team has developed the following guidelines to help you determine if your manuscript is appropriate for the SAM Advanced Management Journal:

Manuscripts should describe the original work of the authors that have not been previously published in a refereed or non-refereed journal and is not under consideration for publication in another venue. SAM-AMJ does not allow duplicate or concurrent submissions of any manuscript to more than one peer-reviewed journal. Copying text, figures, data or results of other authors without proper attribution is considered plagiarism.

Contributions should be substantial and significant in content. We will not publish papers that report incremental or incomplete research. A manuscript may be correct and appropriate for the SAM-AMJ, however, if it does not provide sufficient new and important information to warrant publication, or provide a comprehensive review as it applies to the management discipline, it will be rejected.

If you are submitting a new version of a paper previously rejected by the SAM-AMJ you will be required to provide an explanation on the changes made that warrant a new submission. If a manuscript has been rejected by another journal, you are urged to incorporate your their feedback and suggestions for improvement prior to submission.

Ethical Guidelines

The SAM-AMJ editorial office must have a clear understanding of the authors who have made a contribution to a manuscript. Authors submitting a paper must have confirmed that the manuscript has been read and approved by all authors and that all authors agree to the submission of the manuscript to the journal. All named authors must have mad an active contribution to the conception, design, analysis, interpretation, and drafting of the manuscript. Each author must have critically reivewed its content and approve of the final version submitted for publication. Authorship criteria is based on the assumption that an author:

  • made substantial contributions to conception and design of, or acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data.
  • drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
  • final approval of the version to be published.

Participation in the collection of data or the acquisition of funding does not merit authorship status, nor does supervision on a research group qualify for authorship status. Those who have had a marginal contribution to the paper should be named in the Acknowledgements section that for manuscripts sake is required to be listed after the reference section.


Before using material created by someone other than the author it is necessary to obtain permission. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain any required permission in writing and provide copies to the SAM-AMJ editorial team.
This includes obtaining written permission from the subject (or parent/guardian, if the subject is a minor child) to publish a photograph with an identifiable human face. Such photographs should be used only when it furthers the research.

Institutional Review Process

In research involving direct human subjects, approval by an institutional reivew board is required and must be included as a separate attachment within the submission. A statement must also be included confirming that informed consent was either obtained by all subjects or this requirement was waived by the oversight body.

Financial Disclosures

All authors are required to indicate any funding or support received for the work presented in their manuscript, as well as describe the role of any sponsors or funders in the design and conduct of the study, in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data, and in the preparation, review or approval of the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest

All authors are responsible for recognizing and disclosing any conflict of interest that could be perceived to bias their work, acknowledging all financial support and any other personal connections.


Proper acknowledgement of the work of others is required within manuscripts. Plagiarism constitutes unacceptable behavior and is not acceptable. Honest error is an integral part of research, it is the obligation of each author to provide prompt retractions or corrections in published works.
The SAM-AMJ utilizes plagiarism screening services to detect overlapping or similar text submitted in manuscripts.

Copyright & License to Publish

The SAM Advanced Management Journal does not assess fees or mandatory page charges for publishing. A transfer of copyright form is required to protect the interests of both SAM-AMJ and the authors and specifies reasonable right for both parties related to publication and reuse of the material.
Authors, or their employers in the case of works made for hire, retain the following rights:

  • All proprietary rights other than copyright, including patent rights.
  • The right to make and distribute copies of the manuscript for internal purposes.
  • The right to use the material for lecture or classroom purposes.
  • The right to prepare derivative publications based on the manuscript.
  • The right to post an author-prepared version of the published paper on an internal or external server controlled exclusively by the author/employer, provided that such posting is noncommercial in nature and available without charge and a copyright notice appears.

Types of Manuscripts

The SAM Advanced Management Journal has three focus areas; Original Research, Case Studies, and Review Articles. Authors should submit manuscripts that present novel and broadly important data, syntheses, or concepts.

This focus area will present original research and related topics. Although there is no set limit on the length of an original research manuscript, it is recommended that they be no longer than thirty pages excluding abstract, tables, figures, legends, and references.
An abstract no longer than 250 words should be provided that outlines the manuscripts background and purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. At the bottom of your abstract please include five keywords which describe the manuscript content.

Case studies submitted for publication must add depth and breadth to the management knowledge base through a well-crafted manuscript. Case studies selected must advance the professional practice of management by demonstrating how research and theory can be practically applied in a way that provides for the systematic study and analysis of the case subject in the future.
Case studies submitted may also identify unique issues that have not been addressed with current or prior theory and research with the intent that case materials can lead to developing hypotheses, solutions, or conceptual questions.

Review articles for the journal are accepted by require editorial approval prior to submission. Proposals for reviews must include an abstract of no more than 500 words, one figure and a list of five to ten of the most important recent citations.
Review articles must focus on a particular topic or field and authors must be highly regarded in the management discipline the subject matter of the review. Reviews must include sections featuring Background, Advances, and Outlook for the subject material. Reviews should not exceed 7500 words and can include upto 100 references and upto 6 figures or tables. Reviews should not contain supplementary material and should describe and synthesize recent developments of management signifigance and future development. Reviews require an abstract of no more than 500 words that outline the main themes and important questions.

Manuscripts Basics

Each Manuscript submitted for publication must include the following information prepared in the following sequence:

This page is designed to provide the SAM-AMJ editorial team with the manuscript title and a complete list of all authors. This page also identifies the corresponding author. Each authors name should include their full name, institution of affiliation, and email address. The author designated as the corresponding author must additionally include a complete address and telephone number.
If the manuscript requires an Institutional Review Board Statement, Source of Funding Disclosure, or Conflict of Interest Declaration a notation should be made on this page that those addendums are provided.

The title page must appear on a separate page. This page should contain the full title of the paper which should be limited to 120 characters, including spaces. Authors names should not appear on this page, for page numbering purposes this is considered the first page of the manuscript.

The abstract must appear on a separate page. Abstract lengths are determined by the manuscript type and authors should consult guidelines for appropriate outlines formatting. Use short sentences and avoid using abbreviations, acronyms or citations in the abstract.

The main text should begin on a separate page. Manuscripts should be double spaced througout the text, tables, figures, and references with one inch margins formatted for standard U.S. Letter Size paper (8.5 x 11inches). Manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman size 12 point font.
Technical terms should be defined with symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms defined the first time they are used. All tables and figures should be cited in numerical order.
There are no set heading required (with exception of Reviews), however, suggested headings include: Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methods, Results, Discussion, Management Impact and Conclusions. Headings shouldbe clearly distinguished from the text and not numbered.
All data utilized within the manuscript must be shown either in the main text or tables and figures. References to unpublished materials are not allowed to substantiate significant conclusions of the paper.

The reference text should begin on a separate page. The purpose of the references are to make the source easy for the reader to locate. Each reference should provide as much information as is available. References should be listed alphabetically and formatted in APA format and include the authors names (including first initials), year of publication, article titles, journal or book title, volume number, and issue number.
References are professionally copy-edited on accepted manuscripts to conform to SAM-AMJ style.

Each table should begin on a separate page. Tables should be built in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel and should not contain graphics. Tables containing images must be labeled as figures. Colored fonts will not appear in the typeset version, so bold and italic should be used for emphasis instead. Explain the use of bold or italic in the caption or table footnote. Do not use shading. Very large tables may be vertically oriented, or they may span multiple typeset pages. A caption must be included with the table.

Each figure should begin on a separate page. During initial submission process tables must be embedded within the Microsoft Word document. For papers selected for publication high quality images will be requested from the corresponding author. High quality images are required to be 300 dpi or higher and submitted in EPS, TIFF, PNG or PDF format. All figures must be labeled.
Figures submitted in color will be published either in color or black and white. Authors who choose to submit color figures are responsible for ensuring that the captions and descriptions in the text are suitable for both color and black-and-white print versions of the journal.
If the figure is derived from a previously published image, the author must obtain permission from the original copyright holder, who may be the publisher or the author. Once permission is granted, the figure caption should include the line “Reproduced with permission, courtesy of [copyright owner],” or the publisher’s required copyright statement.

In some research or manuscript types it is necessary to include the following information, when appropriate please provide in the following sequence:

If your manuscript includes direct human subjects you must provide a statement from your Institutional Review Board that includes:

  • Name of Study
  • Name of the Institution
  • A statement that indicates all protocols were followed
  • A statement that all participants received informed consent
    This statement must be attached as a PDF document with your original submission or sent via email to our editorial offices.

If your manuscript includes funding or support received for the work presented it is required that this connection be fully explained in a supplementary attachment.
Descriptions should include the role (if any) of any sponsors or funders in the design and conduct of the study, in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data, and in the preparation, review or approval of the manuscript.

The SAM-AMJ has a responsibility to the readership to provide clear and unbiased results. As such, authors are required to inform the journal of additional relationships between authors that could pose a conflict of interest.
Manuscript authors are required to identify and provide clear disclosures on affiliations, funding sources, and financial holdings that may be affected by their research or results. This includes financial holdings, professional affiliations, advisory positions, board memberships, consulting agreements patent holdings or any other tangential connection to the subject matter.
The editorial leadership team will make a determination on all conflict of interest declarations, and decide on whether the conflict of interest should be published as part of the article.

All manuscripts are required to be submitted using our online submission form available at our society website. Manuscripts should utilize Microsoft Word and authors should submit a non-protected editable version.

Case Studies Formatting

Case studies submitted should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages including the cover page and all tables, figures, and references. Case manuscripts should be as detailed and accurate as possible with special attention to objectivity in the description of specific case events. Diagnostic data interpretations and specific interventions included in the materials should also be objectively reported as with their effects.
Discussion should include a variety of interpretations on the case materials and should include a section on the limitations of the case and its methodology. Each case should include the following:

Providing the reader with a summary of the major findings of the case and its specific setting.

Case materials should include a literature connection that is the basis for the analysis portion of the manuscript.

Case materials should provide a minimum of three industry experts who provide services that are related to the case subject.

Case materials should provide a clear outline of the organization within the materials and including the companies size, age, industry, as well as an analysis (SWOT, PESTLE, etc.).

Case materials should include a detailed description of the event or activities that have led to the issue or question of the organization.

A description of how the case author(s) developed a proposed solution to address the needs of the Case Client while specifically addressing the Issue.

Include a description of the outcomes and the results of any attributable change in the issue, positive or negative, or the Case Client.

An analysis of the materials by the industry experts and authors to determine what was learned from the experience that was not previously attributed within existing literature. Additional points identified by the Case Study for future testing are also developed within this section.

In this final section summarize the findings and learnings from the case and its implications. Case study writing is about sharing knowledge; authors should be clear on how their case has done.

Editorial Review Process

When a manuscript is received, an intake review is performed to ensure the work meets the formatting requirements for submissions and is in compliance with the vision and mission of the Advanced Management Journal.

Submission Meets Requirements

Manuscripts that meet these criteria are passed along to our scheduling division for Standard Review.

Doe Not Meet Requirements

Manuscripts that fail to align with these criteria may be returned to the author with a rejection or an invitation to resubmit.

Standard Review Process

Once a manuscript passes through an intake decision an editor assigns the paper to a editorial review team. Editorial review team members encompass a full range of management experts both in the academic and practitioner realms who provide comprehensive feedback for your submission through a double-blind review process.

Review Decision

Once a manuscript completes the standard review process a determination is made on publishing the submission. One of four decisions is possible:

This designation is reserved for manuscripts that the editorial review team have no major or minor revision needs.

This designation is awarded for manuscripts that have only minor revisions and all research methodology and findings are clear. Revisions are required to be submitted within 30 days.

This designation is reserved for manuscripts that are in need of major revisions or have substantive issues with research methodology. Resubmission invitations have a 30 day deadline to address feedback provided by the editorial review team.

This status is given to submissions that our editorial review team has found that the manuscript is in need of major development, additional research, or has flawed methodology. Manuscripts with this status are free to submit to other publications.

Ready to Submit?

Once you have completed reading our Submission Guidelines we welcome you to submit your manuscript to the SAM Advanced Management Journal.  You can do so by clicking the button below, which will take you to our submission form. If you have any questions about the submission process, we invite you to connect directly with our Editor-In-Chief to get your question answered.