Self-Motivate to Innovate: How Self-Leadership Drives Individual Innovation

Bennie Eng & Kevin Knotts

Citation: Eng, B., & Knotts, K. (2022). Self-motivate to innovate: How self-leadership drives individual innovation. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 87(1),19-26.


The importance of innovation to the long-term survival of organizations is well established, but less is known about the process in which individuals employed at an organization innovate. This manuscript examines the process leading up to individual innovation. Specifically, a conceptual model, grounded in social cognitive theory, self-determination theory, and self-regulation, proposes that self-leadership engenders grit, which then results in innovation.

Collectively, this process suggests that employees who can motivate themselves regardless of their situation will be more innovative due to their ability to develop mindsets of self-belief, perseverance, adaptability, and continuous learning.  


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