What Grid Organizational Development Could Mean For Higher Education

Mostafa Sayyadi and Michael J. Provitera


Citation: Sayyadi, M., & Provitera, M.J. (2022). What grid organizational development count mean for higher education. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 87(4),15-34.


The theory of the managerial grid, a model of dimensions among styles of leadership, (Van De Vliert and Kabonoff, 1990; Asrar-ul-Haq and Anwar, 2018; Cai, Fink and Walker, 2019) was employed to measure the leadership styles of adjunct business faculty at an AACSB university in the State of Florida. Forty-five adjunct faculty members of business administration completed a survey measuring leadership style. Findings of this study indicate strong empirical support that gender had no effect on leadership style and that the more experience the adjunct faculty member had the higher the concern for people and concern for production. Gender, while not empirically investigated is only stated as a corollary of the group studied. Some universities have more women than men on their organizational chart and this is strongly encouraged. The university setting is moving toward more diversity, more equity, and more inclusion. We feel that is an important improvement for both organizations and universities as equality becomes a cultural, and important, norm. The paper concludes with a discussion of potential implications for management education. This paper may be of interest to administrators, adjunct faculty, and those interested in further study of management education and change.


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