Consumer Brand Engagement, Self-Brand Connection, and Brand Usage Intent in a Global Environment

Betsy Sparks and Jack McCann


Citation: Sparks, B., & McCann, J. (2023). Consumer brand engagement, self-brand connection, and brand usage intent in a global environment. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 88(1),23-35.


In a rapidly changing global environment, companies need to understand how consumers connect to their brands and use their brands for sustainability. The relationships for consumer brand engagement, self-brand connection, and brand usage intent are important in e-commerce. While many other researchers have examined these relationships, few researchers have analyzed in global settings. We used Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions to form four cultural clusters of countries and conducted surveys in each cluster to examine consumer brand engagement. Using cognitive processing, affection, and activation as the dimensions of consumer engagement, we found that cognitive processing and affection have significant relationships with self-brand connections for all cultural clusters. However, the relationship of activation with self-brand connection was only significant in one cluster. The relationship of activation to brand usage intent was significant in all four clusters, but cognitive processing was only significant in two clusters and affection in three clusters. We found that consumer engagement relationships to self-brand connection and brand usage intent for mega e-commerce providers such as Amazon differed based on the cultural cluster of participants.


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