To Pursue B Corp Certification As A Startup? A View Through The Lens Of The Business Model Canvas

Kevin P. Taylor, John M. Tichenor, Jon Carrick, and Randall Croom


Citation: Taylor, K.P., Tichenor, J.M., Carrick, J., & Croom, R. (2023). To pursue B Corp certification as a startup? A view through the lens of the business model canvas. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 88(2),3-12.


The goal of this article was to present evidence-based implications of B Corp certification to entrepreneurs, investors, and policy makers. We provide research-based guidance on potential benefits and drawbacks of certification that startups should consider before investing resources. From a practical standpoint, our findings suggest that entrepreneurs need to objectively evaluate the impact a B Corp certification would have on all aspects of their business model before committing to the costly certification process. From a policy perspective, our findings suggest there are many potential benefits to supporting and fostering B Corp certification; most notably, B Corps have the potential to create increased amounts of economic and social benefits. However, our study underscores that generalizations about the benefits of B Corps cannot be made. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of certified B Corps in the recent years. The Fourth Sector of profit-making socially and environmentally conscious organizations has arrived. Entrepreneurs would be wise to evaluate the potential impact of pursuing B Corp certification on all aspects of their venture.


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