Citation: Okpara, J.O., Mboga, J. & Zhu, W. (2023). Barriers to internationalization: An examination of export barriers facing small and medium-sized enterprises in Nigeria. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 88(2),47-63.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)have been recognized as the engine of economic growth for any economy. They are vibrant and innovative, and their small size allows them to make swift decisions. As they attempt to internationalize, they face substantial barriers. Our literature review shows that little research has been done on this topic in Africa, particularly in Nigeria. Therefore, there is a knowledge gap in our understanding of this important topic in Nigeria. This study is an attempt to bridge that gap and increase our understanding of the barriers that hinder the export development of SMEs in Nigeria. For many SMEs in Nigeria, identifying the factors that hinder their ability to export is the essential first step toward finding solutions to the problems. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine export barriers facing SMEs in Nigeria on their path to internationalization. We collected data from 112 Nigerian-based manufacturing firms through a questionnaire. Our findings show that the major barriers to export development in Nigeria include a lack of financing to support export activities, a lack of qualified personnel to support export planning, foreign competition, a lack of knowledge about exporting, and a lack of government assistance and incentives. Finally, we discuss the implications of the findings.
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