Citation: Masood, H. & Singh, P. (2023). The post-pandemic work-life initiatives across cultures: Recommendations from human resource management. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 88(2),64-74.
The world-of-work has experienced significant disruption within the past few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, globalized labor landscape, and the associated shift to virtual work. As a result, there has been a dire need to study the implications of human resource management in promoting employee wellbeing through work-life awareness, policies, and practices. Our essay examines the post-pandemic grand challenges faced by multinational organizations operating in contrasting cultures (e.g., United States and China). We conducted a two-country comparison to highlight the work-life related cultural similarities and differences. Based on our analysis, we identified sustainable, resilience-based, and relationship-oriented human resource management practices to promote the post-pandemic work-life initiatives. The current paper promotes a dialogue on the post-pandemic work-life initiatives across cultures by considering the evolving role of human resource management. Our essay contributes to the management literature by offering evidence-based roadmap for both scholars and practitioners aiming to improve worker wellbeing post-pandemic. The essay is concluded with insight-driven human resource deliverables and recommendations.
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