Citation: Rajkumar, P.V., Raghavan, K. & Desai, M. (2023). Cyber security and hybrid work environments. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 88(3),44-55.
Remote work/ Work from home (WFH)/ Hybrid work started in 2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic and has shown a positive impact on employee productivity. It is now the preferred choice of many employees due to work life balance. The WFH “hybrid” model where activities can be performed both remotely and in the office is expected to continue but have major implications for security issues. The increased cybersecurity risk due to “data” being handled by the employees in their home computers and mobile devices where the security measures can be compromised by malicious hackers is being felt across all industries. This paper reviews the impact of new norm of remote and hybrid work on existing cybersecurity structure of organizations and proposes a framework with steps to reduce cybersecurity risks.
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