Social Mindfulness Adoption and Functional Use in a Classroom Context: A Qualitative Developmental Model

Latha Poonamallee


Citation: Poonamallee, L. (2023). Social mindfulness adoption and functional use in a classroom context: A qualitative developmental model. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 88(4),67-78.


Mindfulness is increasingly used as a leadership development tool to improve personal and workplace outcomes while bypassing its spiritual roots. This paper advocates for a holistic approach to adopting ‘social mindfulness’ in leadership development and describes a mindfulness based leadership development curriculum that moved from personal to the structural and societal to help students/leaders experience the nuanced movement and interplay between the individual level outcomes and the collective or social mindfulness aspects. The paper also puts forth a preliminary stage model of how mindfulness adoption shifts from self-orientation to other orientation using examples from qualitative journal data collected from students who participated in the class.


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